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The John S. Bickley Founder's Award honors individuals who have made a significant
and lasting contribution to insurance thought, practice or education.

Award Recipients

Dan Anderson, University of Wisconsin Madison, USA (2015)
James C.H. Anderson, Tillinghast, Towers Perrin, USA (1997)
Gregoria Cruz Arnaldo, Government of the Philippines, Philippines (1988)
Arthur L. Bailey, Lumbermens Mutual Casualty and Motorist Insurance, USA (2006)
Wolf Becke, Hannover Life Re, Germany (2013)
John S. Bickley, University of Alabama, USA (1972)
Karl Henrik Borch, The Norwegian School of Business Administration, Norway (1985)
Clemente Cabello, Grupo Nacional Provincial, Mexico (2001)
Yung Ping Chen, University of Massachusetts Boston, USA (2012)
Karen Clark, Karen Clark & Company, USA (2019)
Georges Dionne, Professor, Department of Finance, HEC Montreal, Canada (2017)
Klaus Gerathewohl, Munich Reinsurance Company, Germany (1982)
Orio Giarini, Geneva Association, Italy (1993)
José Efrén Ossa Gómez, Compania Central de Seguros, Colombia (1998)
Adrian Gore, Discovery Limited, South Africa (2023)
William C. Greenough, TIAA CREF, USA (1984)
Davis W. Gregg, American College, United States (1980)
William Haddon, Jr., Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, USA (2005)
Matthias G. Haller, European Centre for Education and Training, Switzerland (2007)
George Head, American College & Institute CPCU, USA (2003)
Ignacio Hernando de Larramendi, Corporacion Mapfre, Spain (1986)
Joseph O. Irukwu, African Development Insurance Company, Nigeria (1990)
Yehuda Kahane, Tel Aviv University, Israel (2011)
Saburo Kawai, Kyoei Life Insurance Company, Japan (1995)
Andrew Kuper, LeapFrog Investments, Australia (2018)
Donald S. MacNaughton, Prudential Insurance Company of America, USA (1978)
Dan M. McGill, University of Pennsylvania, USA (1987)
Yasushi Morimiya, Professor Emeritus, Meiji University, Japan (2016)
Arthur J. Morris, Morris Plan Life Insurance Society of New York, USA (1996)
Robert J. Myers, Social Security Administration, USA (1989)
Julius A. S. Neave, Mercantile & General Reinsurance Company, United Kingdom (1977)
Teivo Pentikäinen, Limarinen Pension Insurance Company, Finland (2002)
José Piñera, International Center for Pension Reform, Chile (1999)
Robert L. Posnak, Ernst & Young, USA (1992)
Frederic Reiss, International Risk Management, Bermuda (2004)
Jerry Rosenbloom, The Wharton School, Frederick H. Ecker Professor (Emeritus), Insurance & Risk Management (2022)
Henry L. Rosenfeld, Equitable Life Insurance Society of New York, USA (1994)
Haresh C. Shah, World Seismic Institute, USA (2000)
Yong Ho Shin, Daehan Kyoyuk Insurance Company, Korea (1983)
Harold D. Skipper, Jr., George State University, USA (2009)
Qixiang Sun, School of Economics, Peking University, Peoples Republic of China (2014)
James A. Tilley, Sun Life Financial, United States (2008)Kailin Tuan, Temple University, USA (2010)
Thomas J. Wolff, Wolff Zackin & Associates, USA (1991)
George Y. L. Wu, Tai Ping Insurance Company, Chinese Taipei (1981)
Alfonso Yuchengco, Malayan Group of Insurance Companies (1979)