October 5, 2016, 08:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Insurance Leaders Join Insurance Development Forum: A Partnership with the United Nations and the World Bank Group Focusing on Insurers' Risk Expertise
Re/Insurers, Global Brokers and Industry Associations Combine in Unprecedented Effort With the United Nations, the World Bank Group and International Institutions to Spur Climate Resilience and Sustainable Growth
May 17, 2016, 7 a.m. EDT; Noon BST
Insurance Development Forum (IDF) Chair Stephen Catlin today announced the appointment of leading insurance CEOs to serve on the Steering Committee of the IDF, a group created to apply insurers' risk expertise to the insurance related challenges and opportunities presented by the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the Paris Climate Agreement and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.
They will join leaders from the UN, the World Bank Group, the Financial Stability Board and other international institutions.
The appointments follow the recent High Level Meeting on Resilience convened with insurers by the UN Secretary General and the inaugural meetings of the IDF in Washington, DC, on April 14th. Those meetings confirmed the IDF's initial focus on confronting the challenge of climate risk and natural disasters, the protection gap and resilient development. The IDF is co-chaired with Joaquim Levy, CFO, the World Bank Group; and Helen Clark, Administrator, UN Development Program (UNDP).
Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of England and Chair of the Financial Stability Board (FSB), will join the IDF Steering Commitee in his role as FSB Chair.
Leading insurance, CEOs appointed to serve on the High Level Steering Committee include:
• Kathy Bardswick, President & CEO The Co-operators Group
• Inga Beale, CEO Lloyd's
• Jean-Louis Davet, CEO MGEN
• Daniel Glaser, President & CEO Marsh & McLennan Companies
• Christopher Swift, Chairman & CEO The Hartford
• Maurice Tulloch, Chairman Aviva Global Insurance
• Nikolaus von Bomhard, Chairman Munich Re
In addition, Rowan Douglas CBE, Willis Towers Watson, who convinced and drove the formation of the IDF, will serve as Chair of the IDF Implementation Commitee, overseeing the delivery of programs and working groups, according to Mr. Catlin.
"Insurers are experts at risk management. These CEOs will bring essential risk management experience to the table, using the same skillset they use to manage their business risk portfolios. This risk management expertise will enormously benefit governments since research has shown that a 1% increase in insurance penetration can reduce the disaster recovery burden on taxpayers by 22%. These insurance industry CEOs will committ their time and their staff's risk expertise to help protect people and property from natural disasters. With their support the IDF can overcome its challenges to accomplish its goals," IDF Insurance Chair Stephen Catlin said today.
For more information, contact: David Rylatt, XL Catlin,david.rylatt@xlcatlin.com
Insurance Leaders Join Insurance Development Forum: A Partnership with the United Nations and the World Bank Group Focusing on Insurers' Risk Expertise
Re/Insurers, Global Brokers and Industry Associations Combine in Unprecedented Effort With the United Nations, the World Bank Group and International Institutions to Spur Climate Resilience and Sustainable Growth
May 17, 2016, 7 a.m. EDT; Noon BST
Insurance Development Forum (IDF) Chair Stephen Catlin today announced the appointment of leading insurance CEOs to serve on the Steering Committee of the IDF, a group created to apply insurers' risk expertise to the insurance related challenges and opportunities presented by the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the Paris Climate Agreement and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.
They will join leaders from the UN, the World Bank Group, the Financial Stability Board and other international institutions.
The appointments follow the recent High Level Meeting on Resilience convened with insurers by the UN Secretary General and the inaugural meetings of the IDF in Washington, DC, on April 14th. Those meetings confirmed the IDF's initial focus on confronting the challenge of climate risk and natural disasters, the protection gap and resilient development. The IDF is co-chaired with Joaquim Levy, CFO, the World Bank Group; and Helen Clark, Administrator, UN Development Program (UNDP).
Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of England and Chair of the Financial Stability Board (FSB), will join the IDF Steering Commitee in his role as FSB Chair.
Leading insurance, CEOs appointed to serve on the High Level Steering Committee include:
• Kathy Bardswick, President & CEO The Co-operators Group
• Inga Beale, CEO Lloyd's
• Jean-Louis Davet, CEO MGEN
• Daniel Glaser, President & CEO Marsh & McLennan Companies
• Christopher Swift, Chairman & CEO The Hartford
• Maurice Tulloch, Chairman Aviva Global Insurance
• Nikolaus von Bomhard, Chairman Munich Re
In addition, Rowan Douglas CBE, Willis Towers Watson, who convinced and drove the formation of the IDF, will serve as Chair of the IDF Implementation Commitee, overseeing the delivery of programs and working groups, according to Mr. Catlin.
"Insurers are experts at risk management. These CEOs will bring essential risk management experience to the table, using the same skillset they use to manage their business risk portfolios. This risk management expertise will enormously benefit governments since research has shown that a 1% increase in insurance penetration can reduce the disaster recovery burden on taxpayers by 22%. These insurance industry CEOs will committ their time and their staff's risk expertise to help protect people and property from natural disasters. With their support the IDF can overcome its challenges to accomplish its goals," IDF Insurance Chair Stephen Catlin said today.
For more information, contact: David Rylatt, XL Catlin,david.rylatt@xlcatlin.com
Additional IDF Press Releases
Insured Natural Disaster Losses in 2017 Were 38% of Economic Costs of $353B: Aon
Insurance Protection Gap Is Growing Global Problem; Swiss Re, RenRe & WTW Comment
Urgent Action is Needed to Build Resilience to the Impacts of Climate Change
Model Citizens, Nonprofit and For-Profit Cat Modelers Tackle Global Underinsurance
IDF's Catlin: 'You Can't Insure a Risk You Don't Understand'
Willis' Douglas: Development Forum Gears Up Funding, Set to Make Impact
Stabilizing the World, Placing Insurance Where It Has Never Been Before
Insurance Development Forum Leaders Discuss Global Underinsurance At Rendezvous Reinsurance Conference in Monte Carlo Sept. 12
Insurance Development Forum Applauds UK and Germany Leadership To Address Disaster Coverage Gap
Guidelines for Risk Assessment to Support Sovereign Risk Financing and Risk Transfer
A request from United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) as part of "Words into Action Guideline on National Disaster Risk Assessment: Governance System, Methodologies, and Use of Result". A joint publication of the Geneva Association and Insurance Development Forum (launched on June 2017). (Co-authors: M. Golnaraghi, I. Branagan, S. Fraser, J. Gascoigne, and A. M. Gordon) Available at: https://www.genevaassociation.org/research-topics/extreme-events-and-climate-risk/guidelines-risk-assessment-support-sovereign-risk
For Global Good
Insurance Leaders Strengthen Public/Private Partnership and Highlight Strategy for Building Resilience Against Climate and Disaster Risks at RIMS 2017
Public/Private Partners Highlight Progress in Insurance Initiatives Targeting Climate, Disaster Risks
World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland Video
Stephen Catlin, Chair of the IDF, shares his views on how the IDF can leverage insurance to build resilience in the developing world.
John Haley, CEO of Willis Towers Watson shares his views on how the IDF will leverage insurance to build resilience.
How risk insurance spells resilience for disaster-prone people
IDF Highlights Critical Role Regulation Plays In Enhancing Resilience and Growth
Insurance Leader Calls for Global Risk Based Framework to Enhance Climate Resilience
Facing Growing Natural Disaster Risk -- United Nations, World Bank Group and Insurance Industry Partnership Endorses G7 InsuResilience Target and Approves Framework for More Resilient Societies
Insurance Leaders Join Insurance Development Forum